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[全澳洲] 《赌城风云III》 From Vegas to Macau 3 - 澳洲 5 Feb 正式上映‏

发表于 2016-2-2 14:41:26 | |阅读模式

澳门一家渡假酒店,正举行一场衣香鬓影的盛大婚礼。石一坚(周润发 饰)的女儿阿彩(童菲 饰)要嫁给他的大徒弟阿乐(余文乐 饰)了。坚的好友伟哥(姜大卫 饰)、小马(张家辉 饰)等到贺。小马突然收到师兄陈刀仔(刘德华 饰)来电,指有人要对付坚,请他们小心。

1)Event George Street
505-525 George Street  Tel 02 9273 7300

2) Event Burwood
100 Burwood Road   Tel 02 9715 2282
3) Event Macquarie
Cnr Herring & Waterloo Rd   Tel 02 8879 3500
4) Event/Greater Union Hurtsville
Rooftop Westfield Shopping Centre, Park Rd & Cross St, Hurstville NSW 2220                Tel (02) 9580 0044
5) Hoyts Broadway
Broadway Shopping Centre, Greek St & Broadway Street, Broadway NSW 2007                        Tel (02) 9003 3820

6) Hoyts Chatswood Westfield
Level 7, Westfield Shopping Centre, 28 Victor St, Chatswood NSW 2067 Tel (02) 9003 3840
7) Event Chatswood Mandarin
Mandarin Centre
Cnr Albert & Victor Sts, Chatswood  NSW 2067
Tel02) 9003 3830
1) Village cinema Century City
285-287 Springvale Rd, Glen Waverley VIC 3150   Tel: 1300 555 400

2) Village Crown Casino
50/8 Whiteman St, Southbank VIC 3006
Tel: 1300 555 400
3) Chinatown Cinema 京華戲院
Level 1, 200 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
Tel: (03) 9662 3465

4)Hoyts Melbourne Central
Melbourne Central Shopping Centre,
Cnr Swanston & Latrobe Street Melbourne 3000  
Tel: (03) 8662 3555

1) Hoyts Carousel
1382 Albany Hwy, Westfield Shopping Centre, Cannington 6107 WA  
Tel: (08) 9466 4900

1) Hoyts Sunnybank
Sunnybank Plaza Shopping Centre, Cnr Mains Rd & McCullough St Sunnybank 4109 Tel: (07) 3344 5126

2) Event Garden City Mt Gravatt
        Westfield Garden City, Kessels Rd, Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Tel: (07) 3849 0011

黄金海岸Gold Coast:               
1) Event Robina
Robina Town Centre, Cnr Collyer Quays Lido Promenade, 4226,
Robina, QLD, 4230
Phone 07 5592 7000

1) Hoyts Norwood
185 The Parade, Parade Central, Norwood 5067 SA  
Tel: (08) 8427 1700

1) Hoyts Belconnen
3, 18 Benjamin Way, Belconnen ACT 2617
Tel: (02) 6223 5300
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